Asher Bockelmann

Team Asher / Honor Pages


Childhood Cancer awareness month is coming to an end today. As a final request I am begging you to keep spreading awareness! TELL your family, your friends, tell everyone all of the things you have learned this month about childhood cancer. Secondly please consider making a DONATION to the cause. I am using Asher's story as a catalyst but all money donated goes directly to the Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute. Their mission is to make childhood cancer universally survivable regardless of diagnosis and they are doing some amazing things. We have already received so much support from our close family and friends and we are so grateful. Please SHARE this page so we can spread the request. No contribution is too small. Please. There should be no more last kisses. #NeverGiveUp

-Cancer is the number one killer of kids under age 14

-Cancer kills more kids then AIDS, asthma, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis combined

-Only two drugs have been developed for childhood cancer since the 80s

-Today 46 children will be diagnosed with cancer

-7 children will die today from cancer leaving their families heart broken.

-When a child dies 71 life years are lost.

"Waiting for science, while time takes it's toll on your child, is the hardest waiting in the world"

  • $7,466


  • $10,000


  • 14


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             In August of 2014, Asher visited the clinic for the treatment of what we thought was a urinary tract infection. Doctors instead found a mass at the bass of his bladder. Two weeks, later at the tender age of 18 months, Asher received a grim diagnosis, Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma, a particularly deadly form of childhood cancer. It's been approximately Fifty-four weeks, 105 clinic visits, 75 days of chemotherapy, 60 nights in the hospital, 36 days of radiation treatments, and 15 transfusions since diagnosis. Asher has been fighting cancer for over half his life. Through it all we experienced more heartbreak and joy then we ever thought was possible. There's an urgency to love with intensity when someone tells you your child might die. Family, friends, and total strangers rally around your child in amazing ways. Our sad and fearful tears have been mixed with tears of joy and gratitude at the outpouring of support and generosity. Unfortunately relapse rates are high for Rhabdomyosarcoma. Asher also faces the possibility of severe, long term side effects. He needs your help. All these children need your help. Please.                      

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