Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Meed 

Thank you so much to all that participated in or donated to the Third Annual All for Asher 5K. We were able to share the proceeds between a family in need battling pediatric cancer and CCTDI focusing on pediatric cancer research specifically Rhabdomyosarcoma. We are so grateful for each and everyone of you!  ($2300 11/11/2016)    

  • $7,466


  • $10,000


  • 14


Recent Transactions

About Team Asher

              At the young age of 21 months Asher was diagnosed with Stage IV Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma. He has recently completed a year long treatment protocol, most of which was spent away from home. He has received clear scans at 12 months post treatment. We are praying for our little boy to remain cancer free. We are hopeful yet cautious. Three quarters of patients with metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma achieve a complete or partial response with initial therapy. The challenge for these patients is preventing the recurrence of disease that is still present but not visible with diagnostic testing when therapy has been completed. Only one third of patients with metastatic rhabdo survive 5 years event free. Many relapse within 24 months with the survival rate after relapse being dismal. Those statistics are difficult to live with. You can help!                                          

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