Supporting CC-TDI in finding treatment options for alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma and other childhood diseases.
  • $14,273


  • $10,000


  • 28


Recent Transactions

  • Betsy Komarnisky

    $3,000.00 / 1835 days ago

    Your courage makes us love you more, if that is possible.

  • Inna K Hays

    $1,000.00 / 1876 days ago

    Hi Myke... Thank you for the opportunity to be helpful for you and others. Onward cheerfully and strongly. The Hays Family

  • Li-Jiun Huang

    $200.00 / 1879 days ago

  • Andrea Chait

    $200.00 / 1902 days ago

    What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frost-bite :-) Fight on!

  • Robert McKinstry

    $101.50 / 1903 days ago

  • Rohit Desai

    $507.50 / 1903 days ago

    We hope this will help Dr. Keller continue his research on pediatric cancers. Thinking of you Myke. -Ro, Katie, Esha

  • Kurt Scherer

    $152.25 / 1903 days ago

    Myke, I think of and pray for you, your family, and your entire care and support team every single day. Keep up the good fight.

  • Lelan Le

    $50.00 / 1904 days ago

  • Li-Hui Ueng

    $1,015.00 / 1904 days ago

  • Bing Ching Sophia Tsai

    $500.00 / 1905 days ago

  • Lacey Daniel

    $100.00 / 1907 days ago

  • Nancy Davis

    $50.00 / 1907 days ago

  • Lori Hu

    $50.00 / 1910 days ago

    Thinking of you and your family, Li-Ming

  • Elizabeth Molitor

    $50.00 / 1910 days ago

    We are rooting for you Myke & Family!! Love, the Molitor-Wozeniak clan!

  • Katherine Komarnitsky

    $1,015.00 / 1910 days ago

    Open up a can on cancer -- KKNK

  • Susan Shapiro

    $253.75 / 1911 days ago

    Thinking of you Myke ! Love, the Shapiros

  • Bella Wong

    $101.50 / 1911 days ago

  • Mary and Kurt Komarnitsky

    $1,000.00 / 1912 days ago

    Love you bro! K&M

  • Elaine Wang

    $101.50 / 1912 days ago

    Wishing you all the best and thinking of you and the whole family! Hope the treatment continues to go well.

  • Cindy Kruse

    $507.50 / 1912 days ago

  • Jennifer Colapietro

    $101.50 / 1912 days ago

    Donating in recognition of the amazing strength, fortitude and positivity Myke has demonstrated throughout his journey and hoping it will help others!

  • Stephanie Nowers

    $1,015.00 / 1912 days ago

  • Anonymous

    $100.00 / 1912 days ago

    Keep fighting. You to beat this thing. We are all here for you!

  • Kristin Sanchez

    $101.50 / 1912 days ago

  • Anshul Rawat

    $1,000.00 / 1913 days ago

    Love you Myke! The Rawats

About Myke

In August 2018, Myke was diagnosed with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, a pediatric cancer. It originated in his sinus cavity and spread to his salivary glands/surrounding lymph nodes and metastasized to many bone sites making him Stage IV. While Myke is in the middle of front-line therapy and we are thankful for his good response thus far, we are also aware of the high chance of relapse in his high risk patient group within the first 2 years of diagnosis. Myke and the other children afflicted with this disease are in need of more treatment options. Consider joining us in making a tax-deductible donation to CC-TDI, a non-profit research organization where Dr. Charles Keller and his team are dedicated to finding better treatments for alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma and other rare childhood cancers. We are thankful for everything they are doing!

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