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  • $14,273


  • $10,000


  • 28


Recent Transactions

  • Betsy Komarnisky

    $3,000.00 / 1835 days ago

    Your courage makes us love you more, if that is possible.

  • Inna K Hays

    $1,000.00 / 1876 days ago

    Hi Myke... Thank you for the opportunity to be helpful for you and others. Onward cheerfully and strongly. The Hays Family

  • Li-Jiun Huang

    $200.00 / 1879 days ago

  • Andrea Chait

    $200.00 / 1902 days ago

    What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frost-bite :-) Fight on!

  • Robert McKinstry

    $101.50 / 1903 days ago

  • Rohit Desai

    $507.50 / 1903 days ago

    We hope this will help Dr. Keller continue his research on pediatric cancers. Thinking of you Myke. -Ro, Katie, Esha

  • Kurt Scherer

    $152.25 / 1903 days ago

    Myke, I think of and pray for you, your family, and your entire care and support team every single day. Keep up the good fight.

  • Lelan Le

    $50.00 / 1904 days ago

  • Li-Hui Ueng

    $1,015.00 / 1904 days ago

  • Bing Ching Sophia Tsai

    $500.00 / 1905 days ago

  • Lacey Daniel

    $100.00 / 1907 days ago

  • Nancy Davis

    $50.00 / 1907 days ago

  • Lori Hu

    $50.00 / 1910 days ago

    Thinking of you and your family, Li-Ming

  • Elizabeth Molitor

    $50.00 / 1910 days ago

    We are rooting for you Myke & Family!! Love, the Molitor-Wozeniak clan!

  • Katherine Komarnitsky

    $1,015.00 / 1910 days ago

    Open up a can on cancer -- KKNK

  • Susan Shapiro

    $253.75 / 1911 days ago

    Thinking of you Myke ! Love, the Shapiros

  • Bella Wong

    $101.50 / 1911 days ago

  • Mary and Kurt Komarnitsky

    $1,000.00 / 1912 days ago

    Love you bro! K&M

  • Elaine Wang

    $101.50 / 1912 days ago

    Wishing you all the best and thinking of you and the whole family! Hope the treatment continues to go well.

  • Cindy Kruse

    $507.50 / 1912 days ago

  • Jennifer Colapietro

    $101.50 / 1912 days ago

    Donating in recognition of the amazing strength, fortitude and positivity Myke has demonstrated throughout his journey and hoping it will help others!

  • Stephanie Nowers

    $1,015.00 / 1912 days ago

  • Anonymous

    $100.00 / 1912 days ago

    Keep fighting. You to beat this thing. We are all here for you!

  • Kristin Sanchez

    $101.50 / 1912 days ago

  • Anshul Rawat

    $1,000.00 / 1913 days ago

    Love you Myke! The Rawats

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