"Alexa" Project (Phase II)

Monica Delos Reyes / Honor Pages

To expand and continue the research that cc-TDI is conducting on JPA!
  • $2,002


  • $81,000


  • 9


Team Members

Recent Transactions

  • Adam Tidmarsh

    $102.97 / 2582 days ago

    Lots of love from Mr Adam and the Fifty Fifty Events team

  • Melody Pettit

    $50.75 / 2624 days ago

  • Adam Tidmarsh

    $276.00 / 2666 days ago

    To Lexy, lots of Love from Nick Parker and friends

  • Adam Tidmarsh

    $117.74 / 2684 days ago

    From all of us at Fifty Fifty Events :)

  • Laura Moreno

    $25.38 / 2700 days ago

  • Adam Tidmarsh

    $12.18 / 2706 days ago

    We'll get there. One dollar at a time. :)

  • Emma Gahan

    $13.00 / 2706 days ago

  • Frieda Zeidel

    $50.75 / 2773 days ago

  • Adam Tidmarsh

    $106.86 / 2782 days ago

    An honour to be able to support such a wonderful cause in the name of such a wonderful girl who has become such an ongoing inspiration. This money was raised by a wonderful team of organisers and artists and is just the start of an ongoing fundraising effort. Lots of love from Fifty Fifty Events in the UK

  • Gemini Bar & Grill

    $1,050.00 / 2807 days ago

  • Cati Currier

    $7.00 / 2808 days ago

    I'm still praying for a miracle for my little sis Lexy! I love you little sis!

  • Adam Tidmarsh

    $63.38 / 2858 days ago

    From the staff of Taunton Jobcentre in the UK in support of the wonderful research staff at cc-tdi and in honour of the amazing Princess Lexy

  • Meritt Larson

    $101.50 / 3226 days ago

    Kick cancer's booty, Lexy!!!

  • Shannon Barrios

    $25.00 / 3240 days ago

    Hey lexy your mom will probably get me for this but hey your my sidekick my lil sis I gotta help you and I gotta give you hope that everything is gonna be ok

About "Alexa" Project (Phase II)

We are helping cc-TDI raise money for THE "ALEXA" PROJECT (Phase #2) (Named in honor of our own Alexa Naomi delos Reyes by Dr. Keller himself.)

In this phase, we will get the word out to collect more surgical and legacy gift (research autopsy) NF1-associated juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma tumor samples for use in making more cell cultures, cell lines and patient-derived xenografts (avatar mice), akin to http://focusonrhabdo.org/bio-specimen-donation/#.VPOEXPnFTo . Existing and new cell cultures and patient-derived mouse xenografts will be genetically validated. With these resources in hand, we will embark on a collaborative project akin to the International DIPG Preclinical Consortium, http://pptiohsu.blogspot.com/2011/12/open-science-forum-dipg-preclinical.html whereby the most promising agent or combination of drugs will be reported as we did for DIPG, http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v21/n6/full/nm.3855.html. After the Summer Students accomplish Phase #1 , the project swings into full gear! For more updates on our research, go to our blog http://www.cc-tdi.org/#!research/cfvg. 

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