adorably enchanting: Princess Kiley Sullivan

Kiley Sullivan / Honor Pages

In addition to supporting our 5 year old daughter battle for her life, our mission is to increase awareness and gain funds towards the research we need to find more effective and long-term treatment options for everyone diagnosed with Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. We believe we need to work together and fight Rhabdo with Research!
  • $34,201


  • $40,000


  • 259


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About adorably enchanting: Princess Kiley Sullivan

Kiley Sullivan turned 5 years old on March 13th of 2014. Only 2 weeks after we had celebrated her birthday, a minor limp lead to an x-Ray, a biopsy, a PET scan, and a diagnosis of stage 4 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. For Kiley, her older sister Allie, and her parents, life stopped right in its tracks and began moving along a whole new route. As a family and team, we are forging ahead and making this new "normal" work as best we can. We have been extremely lucky because Kiley's determined and fun- spirited personality make this a much easier process. She amazes and inspires so many of us every day, and we feel lucky to be her number one cheerleaders!

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