
Angie Jackson / Honor Pages

To raise money to support finding more successful treatments/a cure for rhabdomyosarcoma
Dr. Charles Keller, the Scientific Director at CC-TDI is passionate about finding less toxic therapies for pediatric cancer. He opened the Megan Bugg Global Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Laboratory in honor of Megan Bugg, a young woman who worked tirelessly to raise awareness of pediatric cancer and raise funds for research.

Parker had a heart of gold and would be honored to know that we are raising money to find safer therapies and ultimately a cure for Rhabdomyosarcoma.

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About ParkerStrong

This page has been created to raise funds for research in honor of our sweet boy Parker who passed April 22nd, 2022 from Rhabdomyosarcoma. 
Parker  was diagnosed with Spindle Cell/Sclerosing Rhabdomyosarcoma in October 2020. He received over 50 radiation treatments to his head. He received almost 9 months of chemo the first course and relapsed right before starting maintenance chemo. We then traveled to MD Anderson in Texas where we spent more than 3 months for him to have an incredibly complex surgery to resect the tumor. While the surgery was extremely hard to recover from and left him with some deficits, it was successful in removing the tumor with clear margins but unfortunately returned a few months later. He received several other salvage chemo therapies all unsuccessful. Ultimately after an incredibly courageous 18 month battle, he gained his wings on April 22, 2022.    

We can’t get our angel back but we can work towards a cure and better treatments in his honor. We must raise awareness. We have to do better.

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