Infinite love for Isla

Danielle Dorsey / Honor Pages

Childhood cancer research is entirely too under funded. We are fighting to change that!
  • $863


  • $25,000


  • 13


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About Infinite love for Isla

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and all month long we will be fighting for a change, for more funding, and easier treatments for kids like Isla. In May 2022, at barely 3 years old, Isla was diagnosed with stage 4, group 4 Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma (parameningeal/orbital/nasopharyngeal). Since diagnosis she has completed 18 months of chemo, 33 sessions of radiation, lost the vision in her left eye and the hearing in her left ear. She has had countless hospitalizations ranging from 1-25 days long, 3 stays in the PICU, and will have a life time of doctors visits. I believe some of these hardships could have been avoided with less harsh treatment and I will spend my lifetime fighting so that other families don't have to experience some of what we did. Thank you for your continued love and support!

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