Chimmy Challenge

Camryn Colahan / Honor Pages

The Chimmy Challenge has designated the Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute as the recipient of our fundraising efforts for the 2019/2020 school year. We honor all those continuing to fight rhabdomyosarcoma like our own Camryn Colahan and keep those who have lost their battles close to our hearts.

****As of October 20,2019, Donations can also be made in Memory of Philip Colahan, Camryn's Grand 'PA' who passed away on October 19, 2019.
  • $7,267


  • $25,000


  • 33


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About Chimmy Challenge

Camryn Colahan, a high school junior, was diagnosed with Stage 4 high risk Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma on Oct 24, 2018. "Cam" is very involved in high school and club athletics in her home state of Ohio. Throughout her frontline battle with cancer the support from friends, teammates, coaches, opponents, and strangers from far and wide have come together to support and encourage her. Because of this, Cam has chosen to use her journey as a platform to raise money and awareness for pediatric cancer research. This year she has chosen CC-TDI as the recipient of the Chimmy Challenge fundraising efforts. While Cam is still receiving maintenance chemo daily, she is currently (9/2019) considered to be in remission. We know that the reality of this disease is that she could someday need the exact drugs that CC-TDI is working on in their studies. Because curing rhabdomyosarcoma is close to Cam's heart, it is only fitting that this be the first year recipient of our fundraising effort. We thank each and everyone of you for your support.  You can learn more about the Camryn on her website 
The Chimmy Challenge, Athletes vs. Cancer!!

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