Charlie Forever
Charlie Hernandez / Honor Pages

Recent Transactions
Michael Iannitelli
$102.50 / 55 days ago
Thoughts and prayers for Charlie … Iannitelli family on Mango drive
Gienapp Family Foundation
$900.00 / 58 days ago
Meghan Dick
$25.63 / 60 days ago
We live on Boquita and did not know Charlie but I hope her spirit lives on and this gift can help another child.
Amy Ranallo
$102.50 / 60 days ago
Linda Brady
$200.00 / 62 days ago
Michelle Benson
$260.00 / 62 days ago
In memory of my step- grandson Aegis Long who died of a brain tumor last year
Keshia Peris
$205.00 / 62 days ago
We live on Recuerdo and were touched by your story. Thank you for continuing to fight for this cause <3
Cynthia Barry
$1,000.00 / 62 days ago
Sydney Witt
$25.63 / 63 days ago
Kelly Napolitan
$25.63 / 63 days ago
Shana Herrick
$51.25 / 63 days ago
Katherine Knerr
$100.00 / 417 days ago
Karen Fox
$300.00 / 421 days ago
Jennifer Medisch
$20.50 / 422 days ago
Marybeth Norgren
$51.25 / 424 days ago
Katherine Newport-Forbes
$64.58 / 424 days ago
Ruby Gorcey-Biblowitz
$25.00 / 427 days ago
Cynthia Barry
$200.00 / 428 days ago
Dear Charlie, you came into this world like a ball of fire with incredible hair color to match. You made a “Forever Difference” in this world.
Peggy Barr
$100.00 / 428 days ago
Arie Spangler
$25.63 / 432 days ago
About Charlie Forever
Our Charlie was diagnosed with stage 3 Rhabdomyosarcoma a few days after her 12th birthday. After a month of going back and forth with doctors regarding pain in her jaw, we decided to take her to the emergency room to try to get some help. An MRI showed a tumor the size of a lime in her jaw. However, Charlie's doctors were very hopeful that she would make a full recovery.
Our world was completely turned upside-down. The tumor was in an inoperable spot, so her treatment plan started with chemo and radiation. Our lives changed from playdates and basketball practices to hospital stays, surgeries, chemo, feeding tubes, endless tests, and radiation. Charlie stayed positive through it all, but she experienced a lot of anxiety. A 12 year old shouldn't have to think about their own mortality.
A few weeks after her biopsy, the tumor started to grow near the incision site and into her throat. The decision was made to start radiation early in hopes of shrinking the tumor and providing her some relief. The initial scan showed some shrinkage, but the part in her throat continued changing. Exactly four months after Charlie was diagnosed, she passed away in her sleep due to the tumor blocking her airway. Her doctor described the event as being as rare as a being struck by lightning.
Charlie was the sweetest kid a mom could ever ask for. She had the biggest heart of gold and wanted nothing more than to get better and help other kids going through treatment. She brought a love to this world that inspired people to be the best version of themselves. We want to honor her legacy by sharing that love and helping to find a cure for this awful disease.