Cait's Honor Page

Dyan Naylor / Honor Pages

Cait bravely battled Rhabdomyosarcoma from 2019 through 2023. Help us carry on her legacy as we fundraise cuttting-edge research in hopes that families like ours have safe and effective treatment options.
  • $29,812


  • $50,000


  • 187


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About Cait's Honor Page

Cait Naylor was diagnosed with a rare pediatric cancer in 2019 called Rhabdomyosarcoma. As a result of this disease she endured countless needle pokes, blood transfusions, PET Scans, overnight hospital stays and eleven various types of chemotherapies, inhibitors, supplements, nearly 50 sessions of radiation and five surgeries. Sadly, very little research is conducted on Rhabdomyosarcoma because of its rarity. Much of the research that has been conducted has been financed through donations and grants from philanthropic foundations. Very little government funding is utilized to research treatment options for rare cancers like Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cait was told, early on in her diagnosis, that keeping a positive outlook would help her in beating this cancer. Nearly every day Cait demonstrated her commitment through grace, courage and humor. Her drive motivated so many to share her outlook on living with purpose and that “There is always something to be thankful for”. Cait passed away on January 16th, 2023. Her death has left us utterly heartbroken. As her family we are committed to doing our part and upholding Cait's legacy. Please join us in raising money to research treatment options for Rhabdomyosarcoma.  We know that there is a cure around the corner, and with your help, we will get there faster. All money donated will directly support the Megan Bugg Global Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Laboratory within the Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute (cc-TDI). cc-TDI is a non-profit biotech focused on developing safe, effective and less-toxic treatment options for underserved childhood cancers.

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