Ava's Army - Ava Jones

Kym Jones / Honor Pages

I was introduced to Dr. Charles Keller, the Scientific Director at CC-TDI, through Golf Fights Cancer and I have had the opportunity to speak and meet with him on several occasions.  He is passionate about finding less toxic therapies for pediatric cancer and is opening up the Megan Bugg Global Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Laboratory in honor of Megan Bugg, a beautiful young woman who worked tirelessly to raise awareness of pediatric cancer and raise funds for research.

Ava loved life and I know she would be honored to know that we are raising money to find safer therapies and ultimately a cure for Rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • $8,923


  • $10,000


  • 188


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About Ava's Army - Ava Jones

Our beautiful Ava was diagnosed with Spindle Cell Rhabdomyosarcoma in July 2020. We enrolled her in a clinical trial which included 10 months of frontline treatment (chemotherapy and 33 proton therapy radiation treatments) and six months of maintenance. She rang the bell to celebrate the end of her clinical trial on October 22, 2021. 

She was never in remission, but her tumor was getting smaller until we noticed the familiar bump on the right side of her temple. The day before her 9th birthday in early December 2021 her oncologist confirmed that her tumor was rapidly growing and predicted her to pass within three months. Ava suffered her first cluster of seizures in early July 2022 and was given days to weeks to live. Her next cluster of seizures happened in late September 2022 and once again was given days to weeks to live. After a courageous 2.5 year battle, our sweet warrior was finally cancer free on January 23, 2023. 

We must fight for a cure. We must raise awareness. We have to do better. Ava would want us to do all that we can to save more lives.

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