Ashley Rose
Ron Miller / Honor Pages

The mission is to rid all childhood cancer!
Recent Transactions
Jane Stower
$50.00 / 174 days ago
Patricia Motley
$101.50 / 1124 days ago
Gabriel Ruiz
$101.50 / 1793 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2005 days ago
Sunny Mcray
$50.75 / 2039 days ago
JoAnn Griesenauer
$20.00 / 2041 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2043 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2086 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2373 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2381 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2621 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2737 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2813 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 2902 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 3228 days ago
Ron Miller
$100.00 / 3460 days ago
Julie and Steve Miller
$50.75 / 3519 days ago
We love you Ashley! Forever in our hearts, always on our mind!
Ron Miller
$25.00 / 3629 days ago
Sadly, no amount of prayer could bring the desired result for our beautiful Ashley Rose. Therefore, we must rely on continued research to find a cure for children's cancer.so that other children may live a long, full and happy life. To researchers everywhere, "Keep up the good work!"
Larry Sweazey
$50.00 / 3661 days ago
Robert Kramer
$150.00 / 3661 days ago
About Ashley Rose
Ashley Rose Miller was a true inspiration for everyone. Here is her story.
Ashley was born on September 16, 1994. She was sweet, polite and smart. She did awesome in school and was happy to keep a low profile. Ashley was outspoken when she wanted to be heard; otherwise she was a people watcher. Ashley loved dancing and in her sophomore year she joined the drill team. She was involved in church and participated in the teen program. Life was beautiful until it wasn’t.
On March 31, 2010 we learned that Ashley had cancer. We were devastated! On April 5th, 2010 we told our beautiful teenager that she had cancer. Unsure of how Ashley would react, the doctor was with us to answer her questions. The doctor explained that chemo treatment was necessary and Ashley asked if she’d lose her hair. The doctor said, “Yes” and the room got so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Ashley then said, “Dang! Why can’t it be just the hair on my legs?” The silence was broken and everyone laughed. Ashley had a wonderful sense of humor.
Ashley was our “Warrior Princess”. She battled 15 months of tests, treatments and hospital stays with incredible strength and grace. However, no amount of prayer could change the outcome. Ashley passed away on June 30, 2011.
Cancer takes the life of 7 children every day. Sadly, federal funding for childhood cancer is very low because research is focused on adult cancer. What can we do! If we work together, we can make a difference. Can we count on you?