Tammy Rach / Honor Pages

In honor & memory of Alex Rach
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Alexander Joseph Kaikoa Rach was a silly joyful active bright light, full of laughter and shenanigans! In March of 2017 he started having testicular pain out of nowhere. After three trips to the E.R., one hospital admission, two visits with the head of pediatrics, as well as a specialist, they found nothing. Said he was constipated, and once they cleared that out, said he was psychosomatic. By the end of May he could no longer walk, and that is when they found the mass the size of a cantalope and a grapefruit. Stage 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma, with metasteses in his lungs and on his spine. Alex was the strongest of warriors enduring excruciating pain for two years. After nearly two years of intense chemo and radiation he beat the beast and was working on learning to walk again. No Evidence of Disease. That lasted only a couple of months. The monster return in his lungs. They said he probably had 3-6 months to live. He had three weeks. In true Star Wars Fan fashion he died peacefully on May 4th,just weeks before his 12th birthday. May the 4th be with you. All he wanted was to be normal again, and now he is free in heaven, our sweet angel, our warrior. No child should EVER have to endure what Alex went through. It was truly horrific, leaving scars that will never heal. Please help by donating to critical pediatric research to help stop this monster from affecting any more beautiful innocent children. Alex was treated with the same drugs used in the 60's because no new drugs for this horrid disease exist. You CAN make a difference, we CANcer-vive with your help. With eternal gratitude, Alex's Mama

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