Carson Confronts Cancer

Carson Thelen / Honor Pages

'Having alternative options is essential for a child because it gives us hope. Not only does it inspire innovation, but it gives kids in situations like mine a chance.' - Carson Thelen

'Through cancer I have learned the significance of spontaneity and just having a fun time. Go camping with your friends because why not? Pull up to the library to study together. Invite everyone over for a movie night. Just go do something random with people. Now that I am in this situation, my greatest sadness is that the time for my fun with friends has passed. Tonight perhaps I shall dream of what I wish to be and some opportunity that could have been.' - Carson Thelen
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Recent Transactions

  • Kathryn Schroeder

    $1,000.00 / 112 days ago

  • Ingrid Hartz

    $100.00 / 112 days ago

    Praying that together we can find a cure for pediatric sarcoma, Ingrid Hartz-mom of Miles (osteosarcoma)

  • Anonymous

    $41.00 / 115 days ago

    Praying for Carson's family, praying for all with cancer, especially children, and their families

  • Melissa Crosby

    $21.00 / 121 days ago

  • Jamie Marshall

    $20.50 / 122 days ago

    Thinking of Carson on his bday. God bless his family and their commitment to prayer and helping cancer research

  • Julie Coe

    $20.50 / 122 days ago

  • Terri Welch

    $50.00 / 122 days ago

  • Hope Elms

    $41.00 / 122 days ago

    Carson’s journey was incredibly inspirational to me and to hundreds of others who witnessed it. His family continues to honor his life by supporting children’s cancer research. Please consider joining them in this effort.

  • David and Cathy Christie

    $20.00 / 122 days ago

  • Lori Caddoo

    $21.53 / 122 days ago

    In honor of Carson on his birthday

  • Wendy Williams

    $25.00 / 122 days ago

  • Joyce Harvey

    $25.00 / 122 days ago

    Happy Birthday to your family! I am amazed at Carson’s faith! Think of him often!

  • Jennifer Stelly

    $30.75 / 122 days ago

  • Sharon Carter

    $51.25 / 122 days ago

  • Tiffeny Morrow

    $102.50 / 122 days ago

  • Kedra Brown

    $21.53 / 122 days ago

  • Tracy Scott

    $51.25 / 122 days ago

  • Lynn Krebs

    $21.53 / 122 days ago

  • Mike Day

    $102.50 / 122 days ago

    Happy Heavenly Birthday Carson ❤️

  • Lynn Krebs

    $21.53 / 122 days ago

  • Shandell Szabo

    $250.00 / 122 days ago

    In honor of Carson on his heavenly birthday. Until there’s a Cure, Shandell

  • Carson Confronts Cancer Foundation

    $200.00 / 122 days ago

    Happy heavenly birthday Carson. I love you so much! I’m going to try so hard to honor you today by doing something kind for someone, despite my heavy heartbreak. You are worth this & so much more. 💛Mom

  • Cindy Fay-Hamilton

    $25.63 / 203 days ago

  • Sharon Carter

    $25.63 / 210 days ago

  • Jan Bradford

    $25.63 / 212 days ago

About Carson Confronts Cancer

In memory of Carson; 5/20/2003 - 8/12/2021
In April of 2020, our 16 year old son, Carson, began complaining of back pain. We took the usual steps of visiting a chiropractor, then our pediatrician, then urgent care. On April 24th, we took Carson to the ER for sharp pains on his right side & continued back pain. We were told it was cancer. Within 2 days he was transferred to MD Anderson. He was diagnosed with high-risk, high-grade rhabdomyosarcoma. This disease appears to have originated in his prostate and had already spread to lymph nodes, bone marrow, bones, spine, and possibly lungs. Carson began chemo treatments on May 1, 2020. Survival rates tell stories of the past, not the future. We believe there is an effective treatment & we must work diligently to find it. Although cancer is at the focus, it does not define Carson. Carson is an intelligent (in the top 5% of his sophomore class), witty, fun, compassionate, handsome, ambitious teenage boy. He has BIG goals for his life (college, job, wife, children), and he wants to do his part to end cancer. Carson believes in miracles and prayer. He also believes God gives us an amazing village of resources & we are called to obediently do all we can to help one another.

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