Support Childhood Cancer Research
To jumpstart our Childhood Cancer Awareness Month fundraising effort, our volunteer board members came together to present a matching challenge to you, our supporters, doubling every donation dollar for dollar up to $35,000.
This September for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we join forces to shine a light on the struggles faced by our bravest little warriors, and ask you to consider your WHY – why do you support childhood cancer research?
At cc-TDI our why lives in stories like that of young Avery, who is currently in remission from rhabdomyosarcoma, yet will continue to live with severe, long-lasting effects of toxic radiation and chemotherapy. Our why also lives in the stories of our angels like Brittney, Shane, Megan, and countless others who dreamed of a chance at a future.
For these brave fighters and their families, your gift provides science-justified hope through research and can bring us closer to the day when no parent will have to hear the words, "There is no cure."
Our work is far from done, and we need your continued support to carry out our vital mission of developing safe and effective treatment options for soft tissue sarcomas, DIPG brain cancer, Hepatoblastoma liver cancer, and other underserved childhood cancers. Your support is more crucial now than ever.
Thank you for making a gift to cc-TDI during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!