9150 - Moving the Future

Moving the Future of Childhood Cancer Research!

In 2023, cc-TDI will relocate to a new expanded, high-tech laboratory in nearby Hillsboro, Oregon, increasing our capabilities and allowing our team to build on the exciting momentum established through seven years of hard work, and your crucial support. The new 7,000+ square foot state-of-the-art laboratory will support the growth and expansion of our collaborative scientific team and our continuing mission: to make childhood cancer universally survivable. Every child’s life deserves hope, and we’re leaving no one behind as we move the future of childhood cancer research!

To celebrate and build upon your generous support, we are commencing a $1,000,000 expansion campaign, as we literally “Move the Future of Childhood Cancer Research!” cc-TDI’s new location will house the Megan Bugg Global Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Lab, securing Megan’s legacy in all current and future rhabdomyosarcoma projects. Our team has been humbled by the outpouring of love and support given in memory of Megan Bugg and we cannot thank the entire Team Megan Bugg community enough for making this legacy gift possible. We look forward with heartfelt anticipation to a formal dedication honoring Megan in April, 2023.

We hope that you will join us in our fundraising efforts and share the importance of childhood cancer awareness. Gifts of any amount will support our laboratory expansion and ongoing research until all children’s cancers are universally survivable. This is our mission, together.

We have an array of sponsorship opportunities including one-time or installment legacy gifts, laboratory and equipment naming, as well as Pediatric Nanocourse and summer internship sponsorships. Contact Erika@cc-tdi.org for the most current available opportunities.

Thank you for supporting cc-TDI's next chapter and the future of childhood cancer research!